Friday, May 17, 2013

September 18, 2006--Yes, the situation in Germany IS critical!!

I'm sorry I haven't kept up here, or with my private e-mails either, and so I only today finally read an article (in German) that had been sent to me a week ago. The story about the homeschooling mother of 12 who was jailed is a true one--but if things went according to plan, she was released again a couple of days ago. I was given an address to write to her to encourage her (her husband requested that), but it was the jail address, so too late now. I wrote back to the friend who sent the article to ask if there's another address--I'd still like to write to her.

With catching up with my e-mail, I've found that people from several countries have written to ask me if it's as bad here as the news is reporting. Yes, it is. My own children are now residents of California, U.S.A., so could be said to have joined the crowds fleeing the country (the ones I know personally have gone to Canada, England, Denmark, Belgium, and Austria). In the meantime, the children are being forced to do schoolwork while on vacation with us here in Germany...After six months, they'll have to either leave the country or have residency in Germany, so watch this space...

Thanks for the encouragement I've gotten so far--it's much appreciated. Please keep praying for us and for the legal situation in Germany.

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