Friday, May 17, 2013

October 7, 2006--My "theme song"...

So, this is kind of personal, but watching my 14-month-old grow and develop has had me thinking a lot lately about the baby we don't have, the one who would be just over two years old now if he'd made it to his due date. Having arrived 28 weeks early, however, we don't have him here. But a song I heard for the first time a few days later has meant a great deal to me ever since, and this is what just happened a few minutes ago...

I've been catching up on e-mail and was about to answer a nice e-mail I'd received from someone in the U.K. She has a blog here, so I thought I'd have a look at it first, kind of be informed before writing back (we'd exchanged an e-mail or two before because they were going to be visiting Germany, but I wasn't in Germany myself at the time, and didn't have time to say more than that). Well, anyone who wants to know what my "theme song" has been for about two and a half years, actually, since Sunday, Feburary 29, 2004, to be exact, go over to her blog with your speakers turned on (mine weren't, at first--I had to turn them on to find out to what song she was referring). I still don't know how to do that fancy thing where you just write "her blog" but people can click on it and it goes straight to , but anyway, that's the link, and I added her to my friends, too. Partly because I like her blog and want to read it, but also because I don't know how to put music on my own blog, nor do I have any other recording of that song.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord...

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