Friday, May 17, 2013

March 13, 2007--article and video about Melissa and her family

Here's a link to an article (in English!) about Melissa and her family, very well done, I thought.

For those of you who have teenagers who actually like you, maybe even listen to you...stay out of Germany. That is considered highly suspicious and indicative of an unhealthy relationship.

I also had news this weekend of another family, with whom I've had off-and-on e-mail contact over the years, who fled Germany with three suitcases, leaving behind everything else. They're now in the process of emigrating to Canada. In the meantime, the authorities are pestering their relatives in Germany as to their whereabouts. I won't write more about them here, in case that could compromise them. (I don't even know myself in which country they are, though, just IN Europe and OUT of Germany.)

On a somewhat more positive note, we possibly have a place to stay for the time we need to be out of Germany. :-) We'll be meeting with someone (an acquaintance of my husband's, with whom he spoke on the telephone today) at the end of March about furnished accomodations at cost, in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, our situation still isn't guaranteed to help anyone else (and definitely wouldn't work for German-only families), but we're very grateful that it works for us.

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